The Final KIS Shimbun of 2019/20

Thank you for a great year

As this is the last newsletter of the year, KIS would like to thank everyone for all their support and effort over the course of the year. Last night, I spoke about how people develop skills in challenging times. The adage that ‘rough seas develop skilled sailors’ is very appropriate for KIS. This has been true of our entire community. From the students who have risen to embrace a new Distance Learning world; to our parents as they have needed to go ‘back to school’ to support learning in the home; and last but not least to the resilience and adaptability of the KIS teachers who have risen to the challenge and provided quality teaching and learning experiences.

As KIS pushes toward 2020-21, we can look forward to the challenges and opportunities the next year will provide, safe in the knowledge, as a school community we cannot only ‘navigate rough seas’ but we do it well!


It is at this time of the year, schools go through change. Staff come and staff go. The school has been lucky to be so well served this year by the following staff and we we wish them well in their new challenges:

  • Taylor Boyd
  • Kate Boyd
  • Josh Robinson
  • Jung Sook Kim
  • Emiko Nishino
  • Debbie Sakura

At the same time as staff leaving we welcome new staff for 2020-21:

  • Sharyn Skrtic
  • Colin Gallagher
  • Chris Corrigan (returning from leave)

Welcome aboard!

Have a great summer, one and all. The entire staff look forward to seeing you back in 2020-21

Michael Taylor

UPDATE!! Yearbook 2019-20

Our PTA in response to the current year will sponsor the yearbook! All families will receive the yearbook compliments of the PTA.

A special thank you to the PTA for this support of the school community.

Get Involved in Your PTA!!!

Dear KIS community members,
Thank you again for your ongoing support to school and students as always.
We are writing to ask for your help. Despite the current difficult circumstances, the PTA has organized and supported several fun and educational activities. This would not have been possible without you. We would like to thank you for your great support, precious time, and generous donations.

We have organized:

  • the Halloween parade & café
  • the Movie night,
  • the café at the Winter Concert,
  • the uniform selling,
  • several community tours
  • the gown project to Support Horikawa hospital.

We have had discussions with the school to provide a communication platform for the KIS community in the future. In order to maintain and expand our activities, we are looking for new members of the PTA committee.

Please consider joining us!

Our monthly meetings are open to any member of the KIS community at any time and will announce the schedule at the beginning of the new academic year. You are always welcome to drop by! We need your help!
We are especially looking for a secretary and treasurer but anyone who supports PTA and our activities is most welcome!!!

Even though you have not decided yet if you join the PTA or not, just feel free to contact us and ask any questions that you may have!

Thank you again and hope to see you soon!
the PTA

Thank you message to Mr Kinoyama

Mr. Kinoyama has been working hard to keep KIS clean for many years. Thank you for your hard work.

Students on-campus for the full school day starting from Monday 15 June

On Monday 15 June, KIS students will return to a full school day on-campus. The key indicators are consistent to support a return to a full timetable. We will continue to maintain the timetable that has been used over the last three (3) weeks.

The following guidelines will be in use:

  • ALL students (EL1-G8) will commence school at 8:30 am. Students will be allowed on campus from 8:20 am
  • EL1- EL3 will be DISMISSED at 2:30 pm
  • EL1- G2 students will enter and leave the campus through the Eastern Gate (See map below)
  • G3-G8 students will enter and leave the campus through the Western Gate (See map below)
  • ALL students will continue to enter their classrooms though Entrance 1 , 2 or 3 (this will continue as per the last three weeks)
  • NOTE: The Wednesday schedule is the same as Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (See schedule below)
  • Continue to wear a face mask
  • Continue to submit the Self Screening tool
  • Continue to wash hands as often as possible
  • Continue with only drop off and pick up for all families

Blended Learning Update 3 June, 2020

At the Senior Leadership Team meeting this morning it was decided to maintain the Blended Learning model for the week of Monday 8 June to Friday 12 June. This decision was made in light of the recent increase of cases in Kitakyushu area and the increase in numbers in Tokyo. The school is also mindful that Japanese local schools open full time on Monday 15th of June. This will allow the school to monitor the outcome of their return.    

KIS now plans to return to full time classes on campus in Weeks 38 and 39.  

We appreciate that this may impact your decision to return your children to KIS under this model. We fully support your decision.  

If you have any questions or would like to discuss this further please do not hesitate to reach out.