Dear Parents: Please review the Digital Citizenship & Responsible Use Agreement (RUA) below with your child. Once you have read and discussed, please complete the form each academic year. 

Student Digital Citizenship &
Responsible Use Agreement

The following agreements will help you stay safe and think sensibly at school when using technology such as computers, the Internet and mobile devices. If you bring your own technology to school you must also follow the agreements below. If you are ever unsure what to do, ask a trusted adult.


  • I will balance my use of technology for academic, social and personal purposes.
  • I will use technology tools and the Internet only during the designated times set by my teacher.


  • I will contribute positively to online communities.
  • I will be responsible with all the digital devices I use.


  • I will use technology to collaborate with others, both locally and globally.
  • I will use words and language that reflect the learner profile.


  • I will use technology to guide and support my inquiry.
  • I will be an inquirer and check that the information I get on the web is correct.


  • I will be knowledgeable about how to effectively and safely use technology for academic and personal purposes.
  • I will use only my personal information and passwords.


  • I will use technology with integrity and honesty and will take responsibility for my use of technology.
  • I will report to an adult if I come across any information that makes me or my peers uncomfortable.

Open Minded:

  • I will respect the rights and views of others.
  • I will encourage tolerance and acceptance in digital environments.


  • I will give thoughtful consideration to my use of technology in order to improve my skills and my digital presence.
  • I will reflect on what I read online before I click.

Risk Takers:

  • I will use technology to explore new roles, ideas and strategies with courage and forethought.
  • I will be open to using technology to enhance my learning and sharing my creations with others.


  • I will consider the information and materials I choose to share and create.
  • I will think critically when using technology to find and share information.

If you do not follow the above agreements, you may lose the right to use technology at KIS. I understand that the ICT Director and Teachers can monitor what I do when using technology at school, especially using the Internet. By following the agreements above, I am able to stay safe and secure when using technology.

I understand all of the above and have discussed this document with my child: 

(Online Form to be signed and submitted each academic year)

Student Digital Citizenship &
Responsible Use Agreement

As an IB world school the agreement below reflects technology usage within the attributes of the IB Learner Profile. This Responsible Use Agreement inspires students and teachers to be effective contributing members of our digital community.


  • I will experiment with a variety of technology tools and choose the most effective for the tasks at hand.
  • I will balance how much technology and manage my time spent with technology.


  • I will be responsible with all the digital devices I use.
  • I will contribute positively to online communities and offer a constructive positive manner.


  • I will consider language and tone when I communicate online.
  • I will consider my purpose and my audience when selecting a tool to share or create information.


  • I will use a variety of tools to conduct my inquiry, such as subject specific search engines and curated collections.
  • I will evaluate websites and other technology resources for reliability before using them to satisfy my inquiry.


  • I will regularly update the systems and security on my digital devices.
  • I will use reliable resources to understand the best programs and systems for my technology devices.


  • I will behave online in a way that represents myself and my school positively.
  • I will share media legally and will cite the intellectual property rights of other digital citizens.

Open Minded:

  • I will respect the rights and views of others.
  • I will encourage tolerance and acceptance in digital environments.


  • I will regularly reflect on and update my digital footprint so it accurately represents who I am.
  • I will make informed, considered choices about what and how I share online.

Risk Takers:

  • I will participate in the open culture of the Internet by sharing my work and accepting critical feedback.
  • I will license my work to be clear to others how it is intended to be used and shared through Creative Commons.


  • I will consider my profile and the purpose of accounts I create.
  • I will consider the information and materials I choose to share and create.

If you do not follow the above agreements, you may lose the right to use technology at KIS. I understand that the ICT Director and Teachers can monitor what I do when using technology at school, especially using the Internet. By following the agreements above, I am able to stay safe and secure when using technology.

(Online Form to be signed and submitted each academic year)