Distance Learning Update 25 March

Welcome to today’s Distance Learning Update. 

Healthy Choices
The weather in Kyoto is extremely pleasant over spring. The temptation is to socialise. Please exercise healthy caution at this time. It is important that everybody continue to practice social distancing practices; continued focus on personal hyigene; and maintain a healthy lifetstyle (good nutrition, water intake, plenty of sleep, sunlight and exercise). Research is suggesting these factors will reduce the risk assocaited with coronavirus

Challenge Day
Mr Boyd and Mr Taylor are extremly excited about the Challenge Day this Friday. We will be sending out the links tomorrow. Parents are ecnouraged to be part of the day. It is a good chance to end this term with a celebration of resilence, creativity and fun.

Travel intentions
This weeks Parent Survey will include a question asking parents to indicate if they are travelling overseas at Spring Break, and if so to where. Once again, these are precautionary measures to maintain the health of the entire community.

Re-entry plans
KIS is developing plans to re-enter school on April 6. Supporting information will be available shortly. Be prepared to take regular temperatures; hygiene procedures; and reduced interactions are some of the areas that will be addressed.