Distance Learning Success

We have gathered some responses from KIS parents regarding what is working well with distance learning.

Early Learning Program

I am happy with the current arrangement, there are a good variety and amount of activities suggested, and I think the school and the teachers are doing the best they can with the given circumstances. Thank you.

I think the teachers are clearly putting in a lot of time into their lesson planning, activities, and responding to student work.

The morning Zoom lessons are perfect for her. She is looking forward to it and trying very hard. It also helps all of us to start the day on the right track.

Primary Years Program

Appreciate the flexibility afforded to parents. The digital tools work well in most cases.

Distance learning feels safer than holding classes at school. Son seems engaged by class activities and enjoys doing them.

My son is keeping busier than I expected and requiring surprisingly little supervision from me.

My child is very engaged and he is also happy to be connected with his friends online.

I’m impressed by the schedule management. It’s very well-organized.

The clean and specific assignments are great, also the videos are interesting and well done, as well as helpful. The teacher feedback and answers to questions is wonderful.

The teachers are doing an AMAZING job connecting and keeping up with the students via videos, messages, etc.

Middle School

Considering that this is a very new thing for everyone, I think that the teachers and the staff are doing a wonderful job providing lessons and activities for all the students.

Assignments and projects are very well managed. Thank you to all teachers and management for their great effort.

KIS teachers have prepared well to continue educating students through our distance learning platform. Here is a taste of the compiled timelines and educational activities that families and students can be engaged in learning. Additional tools for daily communication included Seesaw, Zoom, G Suite for Education.

Distance learning lessons are organized by grade and contain a combination of low tech and technology-based options across multiple subject areas, including considerations for student physical and mental wellness.

Our goal has been to provide a clear structure for continuing education from home during this extended break.